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20.03.2020 Tourism and visual culture class at KU is switched to online

I do love teaching this topic to tourism students at Kasetsart University in Bangkok. It's a 12 hr. session divided into 3 weeks, covering areas from 

  • representation, travel and socio-cultural reflections, which explores the way in which travel reflects changing society from the aspect of class, social mobility and cross-cultural understanding

  • the tourist gaze and the process of 'othering' vs. the self-reflective aesthetics in alternative travel films

  • layers of memories and history in digital creative practices such as screen framing, performative fan pilgrimage  

Each year, when asked, the students were/are fascinated with the questions that socio-cultural and film/media studies viewpoints can bring up, which is something extra from what they explored so far in tourism studies as a first year undergrad. 

This year we had our first class at the university, during that week there was already news that many classes begin to switch online. The following two weeks the whole city was going toward a lock down. I managed to quickly buy a microphone at the shop just before everything is closed up and switched to online. The conversation in the following year may have to include the subject of  travelling without the actual travel. 

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©2018 by Fan Tourism & Cinephile Pilgrimage Thailand and South East Asia

Office of Higher Education Commission (OHEC)
Thailand Research Fund (TRF)
The British Academy
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